
What is being tested:

In this example, we're testing the creation and basic functionality of an AMM (Automated Market Maker). We need to be able to create an AMM accurately, and have it return the expected values when we inspect it. It should also allow users to sell currency to the market and buy from it, with each transaction charging the correct fee. We also have to make sure that when we create token bonding curves, the ratios and other info is correct upon inspection. Finally, everything should be deleted and when inspected nothing should be returned by our system.

Example Report:

Postman generates a report summary which includes a general overview and a more detailed view of each failure based on how the user writes each test. Below are some examples using our example setup.
General Report
Detailed Failures


  1. Click the Run In Postman button at the bottom of this page
  2. Click the Fork Collection button to create your personal copy of our collection (you may need to create a Postman account for this part)
  3. fork_collection1 fork_collection2

  4. To run our Smoke Tests: select the Smoke Tests folder and click the Run button in the upper right
  5. run_tests run_tests2

  6. Results will appear as the tests run
  7. Other endpoints can be run as well by selecting them and clicking the Send button in the upper right corner


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We work on an hourly basis and/or project milestone.